3 steps to a stress-free move

3 steps to a stress-free move

Anyone who’s moved home will agree – moving house is probably near the top of the list of most stressful experiences. Indeed, if some surveys are to be believed, moving home is ranked as the most stressful experience a person can go through – above relationship breakdowns and starting a new job.

When you’re moving house, it seems there is an overwhelming amount of things to do – there’s the internet and other utilities to disconnect, addresses to change, physically packing your belongings… the list goes on.

All of this is on top of any emotional stress that often comes with moving house.

While we can’t help with any emotional stress you may be experiencing with a home move, we can help reduce some of the other stresses with our 3 steps to a stress-free move:

  1. Get our Planning Your Move guide

Our little guide starts at the very beginning of your move, giving you a timeline to work to so you know what needs to be done by when.

From when to select a carrier or removal company suitable for your needs to when to arrange the electoral roll transfer and advising the tax office, all you have to do is work through the checklist.

With over 40 years of business behind us, this checklist will give you peace of mind you’ve remembered to do everything.

You can get this checklist straight to your phone. Simply text the word ‘people’ to 0416 906 799 and we will send you a link so you can download it and store it electronically – that way it won’t get lost in amongst the other paperwork!

Or you can print it out (or call in at the office for a hard copy), and feel the satisfaction of seeing things crossed off the list.

  1. Give yourself time

Once you’ve got our guide, first and foremost, set aside the time to read it!

Then you can properly plan and budget your move. Start scheduling your ‘things to do’ into your calendar; you may decide to spend one day a week focusing entirely on the move, or spread the priorities over the week.

Once these ‘things to do’ are in your calendar, make sure you give yourself the time to stick to your schedule.

And also factor in some down time – have a coffee with a friend, take a walk or watch a movie. Taking time out will not only refresh you, but many people say it helps them work more efficiently.

  1. Pack properly

If you’re not using professional packers, you do need to pack your belonging properly to reduce the risk of them getting damaged and to capitalise on space.

In our Planning Your Move guide, we’ve also included some great packing tips. For instance, marking packed boxes with a description of contents and the room they will be going in will make life a heck of a lot easier when you get to the other end, and you’ll find some tips on how to pack fragile items too.

By using our guide, as your moving date comes closer and you’ve crossed off items on the checklist, we think you’ll find the whole moving experience less stressful than you anticipated.

We do more than simply sell or manage property – we’re here to make your life easier!

With over 40 years in the business, our talented team is constantly looking for new and innovative ways to ensure your real estate experience is exceptional. This is why we are one of Newcastle’s longest established real estate offices.

Drop into the Cardiff office or give us a call on 02 4954 8833. Or send us an email to: mail@apnewcastle.com.au – we’d love to hear from you.

And don’t forget to text the word ‘people’ to 0416 906 799 to instantly receive your free Planning Your Move checklist.

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