How to plan your move

How to plan your move


You’ve sold your house, and you have a completion date.

Now you need to plan the move!

The chances are we don’t move that many times, so moving house may seem overwhelming; there’s sorting and packing, cleaning, updating contact details, disconnecting utilities, sorting out the kids’ new school, and setting up a forwarding address, but to name a few.

While there is a lot to do, the key to having a stress-free move is giving yourself time and careful planning, listing the priorities and what needs to be done by when, then scheduling it into the calendar.

To give you peace of mind that you’ve got everything covered, we’ve created a guide to help.

Our guide to planning your move

Starting at between 8-5 weeks from your move-date, our, our guide gives you a timeline to work towards so you know what needs to be done by when.

From when to select a carrier or suitable removal company to when to arrange the electoral roll transfer and advising the tax office, all you have to do is work through the checklist, and tick the box when done. We also remind you to check the taps, and gas and electric switches before you close the front door for the last time.

Packing properly

If you’re not using professional removalists, you do need to pack your belonging properly to capitalise on space and reduce the risk of them getting damaged.

This is why we’ve included packing tips in our guide too. Many people start packing as soon as they know they are going to move, packing the least used items first. Labeling boxes with what’s in them and which room they are for saves time when it comes to unloading and unpacking the other end – and also reduces a bit of chaos on the first night when you’re desperate for a cuppa and can’t find the kettle and cups!

You may find our tips on how to pack fragile items useful too.

Give yourself time

When you’re planning the next few weeks, factor in some down time – have a coffee with a friend, take a walk or watch a movie. Taking time out will not only refresh you, but many people say it helps them work more efficiently.

How to get our guide

You can get this checklist straight to your phone. Simply text the word ‘move’ to 0488 884 520 and we will send you a link so you can download it and store it electronically – that way it won’t get lost in amongst the other paperwork!

Or you can print it out (or call in at the office for a hard copy) and feel the satisfaction of seeing things crossed off the list.

By using our guide, as your moving date comes closer and you’ve crossed off items on the checklist, we think you’ll find the whole moving experience less stressful than you anticipated.

We do more than simply sell or manage property – we’re here to make your life easier!

Our talented team is constantly looking for new and innovative ways to ensure your real estate experience is exceptional. That’s why we are one of Newcastle’s longest established real estate offices.

Drop into the Cardiff office or give us a call on 02 4954 8833. Or send us an email to: – we’d love to hear from you.

Don’t forget to text the word ‘move’ to 0488 884 520 to instantly receive your free Planning Your Move checklist!

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