What you need to do when selling a house in winter

What you need to do when selling a house in winter

With colder, wet weather, and shorter days, winter is the time of year we want to stay indoors, and bunk down for a few months until the summer comes.

However, people do want to buy houses at any time of the year, and while some may think making your house attractive to buyers in winter is an impossible task, with the right preparation, you can make your home stand out and appeal to buyers.

Apart from the usual declutter, clean and essential repairs and maintenance, what else can you do to make your house more attractive in winter?

Here are some of our tips on how to prepare your house for sale this winter:

Create a warm and inviting atmosphere

In winter, it is essential to keep your home warm and cozy to create a welcoming atmosphere for potential buyers. Turn on the heating before an inspection, and if you have a fireplace, light it; a lit fire at an open inspection will create a warm and inviting atmosphere that buyers can envision themselves enjoying.

You can also add some extra throw blankets and cushions to create a cozy ambiance.

Let the light in

With our short, grey winter days, bring as much light into your home; this will make it feel cheerful and inviting. Start with maximizing natural light: keep your windows clean and open up all blinds or curtains during the day to let in as much sunlight as possible.

Look at the interior lighting; replace globes if needed, and consider using warm-coloured bulbs to add a cozy yet bright feel to rooms. Additional light sources, like floor lamps or table lamps will make a darker corner more inviting.

Put the spotlight on winter features

If your home has any features that are particularly appealing in winter, make sure these are highlighted in your listing. This could include a fireplace, underfloor heating, or energy efficient features.

If your home is equipped with any energy-efficient features, display this information prominently; a low-cost running house can be a major selling point.

Make the outdoor space inviting

Even in winter, try to create an appealing outdoor space; consider adding some outdoor heating, such as a fire pit or outdoor heater. Clever outdoor lighting can also create a warm and welcoming ambiance.

Plan open inspections when the light is bright

As our winter days are shorter and the weather can be unpredictable, timing open inspections in winter can be a bit tricky. Consider scheduling open houses during the warmer parts of the day when natural light is at its best. Weekends are the best time to hold open inspections, as buyers are more likely to have free time to attend – but make sure it doesn’t clash with a big footy match!

Get the right imagery

When it comes to images of your house, try to capture the exterior on a day on a sunny winter’s day. Virtual tours are a great tool to have in your online marketing package and can enhance your home in winter; it will entice potential buyers to arrange an in-person inspection and will potentially broaden the pool of serious buyers for your home to those who can’t make an open inspection due to their interstate/international location.

Work with a local real estate agent

Yes, we know we’re biased! Quite possibly the best tip for selling a home during winter is to collaborate with a local real estate agent.

You could do it on your own, but are you sure you know what to upgrade in your house to make it more attractive?

Selling a house at what is considered traditionally a low sales time of year requires the insider knowledge to get the best price for your asset; with our 50 years’ experience, and constantly achieving great results with our unique marketing strategies.

Take advantage of our experience!

If you do choose us to sell your home, we’ll guide you through the process and explain what you need to consider, suggest ways in which you can add value to your property and give advice on how to present your property features to maximise your sale price.

Call in and see us in the Cardiff office, give us a call on 02 4954 8833 or send us an email to: mail@apnewcastle.com.au.

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