Articles of Interest

Why you should consider using a broker for home insurance

A recent report from the Actuaries Institute suggests that 1.6 million Australian households are now experiencing insurance affordability stress, a 30 per cent increase from the previous year. According to the report, Australian households are spending an average of 9.6 weeks of their gross income on home insurance, significantly above the national average. The percentage.

Why a buyer should get their own building report

The first ever national survey asking Australians about their experience buying and selling property has found three-quarters of all Australians who bought and sold property in the last year encountered challenges, with property prices, market conditions, and finding a property. The 2024 State of Real Estate Report from prop tech firm InfoTrack shows Australia’s housing.

Why a house with more bedrooms may be a better investment

Insights from CoreLogic’s recent report, – which analyses housing market performance segmented by the number of bedrooms – highlights a growing trend among Australian renters; a shift towards properties with more bedrooms. Potentially reflecting a trend of share houses or multiple family households, the report reveals there is an 8.7% rise in rent for houses.

A new way of finding finance

There’s a new ‘finance provider’ kid on the block! With soaring property prices and stringent lending criteria, finding finance, either through the big banks, or through a broker may be challenging for investors and first-time home buyers alike. This is why Social Funding, a concept developed by the company MyBrix, has been developed. Social Funding.

Kellie Andriessen – Finalist in Industry Awards for Excellence

Many of you know our Manager of our Property Management Team, Kellie Andriessen, who has worked with us for 35 years, constantly goes above and beyond, and delivers an amazing service to our landlords, but now her property management skills and talents have just been recognised at a state level. We are absolutely delighted she.