Category: Articles of Interest

What to do with property when the unexpected happens

Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans according to the American writer Allen Saunders – and life events have a habit of happening when you least expect it. With people living longer and the increase in ‘blended’ families through people remarrying, financial and family arrangements can be a complex web. And when.

Newcastle and Lake Macquarie house price rate of decline eases

The latest report from CoreLogic is the Christmas news we’ve been waiting for; according to the data specialist’s latest Home Value Index the fall in house values has begun to ease in our region. CoreLogic’s research director, Tim Lawless, said the easing in the rate of decline is mostly emanating from the Sydney and Melbourne.

Newcastle and Lake Macquarie market update – it’s not as bad as you think!

You’d be forgiven for being a little disheartened about CoreLogic’s latest Regional Market Update; the report suggests house values in Newcastle and Lake Macquarie recorded falls of 6 % over the last three months while unit values experienced a drop of 1.9 %. However, three months can be a short time in the property market;.

What the Federal budget means for homebuyers

Home buyers were potentially among the winners in last month’s the Federal Budget. Keen to address housing affordability through increasing supply as well as encouraging institutional investment, the government announced a range of measures which included removing tax barriers to residential development projects. Plus, it confirmed a number of schemes that pre-dated the budget are.

What to look for in a good mortgage broker

With seven consecutive months of rate rises, many mortgage holders are probably reassessing their finances and may be looking to change their loan. This is by no means an easy task; according to one comparison website, there are 5400+ loans available. While having choices at your fingertips gives more opportunities, inputting your details, reading all.